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miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011

Myebook - The Neutrino Moves Faster Than Light Because is a Tachyon .Our Universe Has 3 Additional Complex Spa

Myebook - The Neutrino Moves Faster Than Light Because is a Tachyon .Our Universe Has 3 Additional Complex Spa

The Neutrino Moves Faster Than Light Because is a Tachyon .Our Universe Has 3 Additional Complex Spa
The book is about the fact that the elusive neutrino is a tachyon . The OPERA experiment just discovered the tachyons .In this book we show that the Universe has 3 additional complex space dimensions . The Universe has 7 dimensions . Three are complex and that is why we can not feel it . Our book shows that the OPERA experiment makes no mistakes in the measurements . The text shows why the neutrino , which is a tachyon , is moving with a speed greater than light and it not becomes a black hole : because it has imaginary mass . Any particle with real mass when is accelerated to the speed of light becomes a black hole , according to the Theory of General Relativity . The lenght of the paths of neutrino and the lenght of the path of the photon are different in our Universe , because the photon has a real mass movement and the elusive neutrino has imaginary movement mass .Different lenght of geodesics of the photon and of neutrino . Please , do not copy my ideas .This text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 06 Nov, 2011
Last updated: 06 Nov, 2011
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 22
Views: 0
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: neutrino is a tachyon, the neutrino is a tachyon, speed of light, albert einstein, complex space dimensions, universe with seven dimensions, real dimensions ; equations ; imaginary mass ; black hole ; the speed of light is an asymptote of our universe, different lenght of paths of neutrino and of the photon ;the opera experiment ; universe ; three dimensions are complex space dimensions ;real numbers ; complex numbers;manifolds

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joi, 29 septembrie 2011

Myebook - The Neutrino Moves Faster Than Speed of Light Because is a Tachyon . Our Universe Has an Additional

Myebook - The Neutrino Moves Faster Than Speed of Light Because is a Tachyon . Our Universe Has an Additional

Author : Spanu Dumitru Viorel ,

The neutrino moves faster than light because is a tachyon . Our Universe has an additional complex space dimension .

S-a descoperit o particula care se deplaseaza cu o viteza ce depaseste viteza luminii . Universul nostru are in plus o dimensiune spatiala complexa .

The OPERA experiment discovered the tachyons .
The elusive neutrino is a tachyon which has the speed of 300006 kilometers/seconds . There is no systematic error in the measurements . The mass of the elusive neutrino is imaginary .
Our Universe has an additional complex space dimension .

“ O particula care se deplaseaza cu o viteza ce depaseste viteza luminii, considerata o “limita de netrecut” in teoria relativitaţii formulata de Einstein, a fost descoperita de o echipa internaţionala de cercetatori.

Potrivit masuratorilor efectuate de specialistii implicaţi in experimentul international “Opera”, particulele neutrino – particule elementare ale materiei – au parcurs cei 730 de kilometri care separa laboratoarele Centrului european pentru cercetari nucleare (CERN) din Geneva de laboratorul subteran din Gran Sasso din Italia cu o viteza de 300.006 kilometri pe secunda, cu 6 kilometri pe secunda mai repede decit viteza luminii.
“Altfel spus, intr-o «cursa de fond» de 730 de kilometri, particulele neutrino trec linia de sosire cu un avans de 20 de metri in fata luminii, daca aceasta ar parcurge aceeasi distanta prin scoarta terestra” . ( citat dupa Oglinda De Vest )

Spanu Dumitru Viorel is talking about
Faster-Than-Light Discovery Raises Prospect of Time Travel
url [] :84adf6e1496649bc8fdcb93447ddfaee

Einstein s-a inselat: S-a descoperit o particula care se deplaseaza cu o viteza ce depaseste viteza luminii

O particula care se deplaseaza cu o viteza ce depaseste viteza luminii, considerata o limita de netrecut in teoria relativitatii formulata de Albert Einstein ... ( citeste articolul pe )

Spanu Dumitru Viorel : Conform articolului " THE METHAMATEMATICS " scris de Spanu DUmitru Viorel , o teorie fizica mai complexa va ingloba in ea ca un caz particular teoria fizica precedenta . Acest lucru este scris in textul " THE METHAMATEMATICS " , uploadat de mine pe site-ul Scribd acum un an si jumatate .

Spanu Dumitru Viorel : There will be in any time a more complex theory that will include the former theory as a particular case . Read " THE METHAMATEMATICS " by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .

Spanu Dumitru Viorel : There will be in any time a more complex theory that will include the former theory as a particular case . Read " THE METHAMATEMATICS " by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .

It might exist a complex space dimension together with the three real space dimensions and the time dimension in our Universe . A text posted by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Sa citam acum din cartea “Teoria Relativitatii pe intelesul tuturor “ scrisa de Albert Einstein : “
“ Aceste conditii au drept consecinta validitatea transformarii Lorentz .Putem spune si
astfel :
ds² = dx² + dy² + dz² - c² dt²
relativa la doua puncte vecine ale continuului cvadridimensional spatiu-timp isi conserva aceeasi valoare pentru toate sistemele de referinta preferentiale . “

Intr-un Univers in care pe linga cele trei dimensiuni spatiale reale si dimensiunea temporala , exista si o dimensiune spatial complexa

Sa calculam distanta ds intre doua evenimente pentadimensionale ale unui Univers care are trei axe spatiale reale , o axa temporala si o axa spatiala complexa .

Fie numarul complex i versorul unitate al axei complexe .

O distanta d pe axa complexa va fi atunci egala cu ui , unde u este un numar real .

Sa notam cu ds` distanta dintre doua evenimente pentadimensionale ale acestui Univers .


ds`² = dx² + dy² + dz² - i²du² - v²tachyon dt`²

ds`² = dx² + dy² + dz² + du² - v²tachyon dt`²

Marimile dx² , dy² , dz² , - i²du² sunt toate pozitive .

Este evidenta atunci inegalitatea

dx² + dy² + dz² - i²du² - v²tachyon dt`² < dx² + dy² + dz² - c² dt²

ds`² < ds²


dx² + dy² + dz² + du² - v²tachyon dt`² < dx² + dy² + dz² - c² dt²

c² dt² = (299792)2 • (2.43)2 • 10-6 = 530704.3239495936 km2
v²tachyon dt`² = ( 300006)2 ( 2.43•10-3 - 60 • 10-9 )2 = 531436.0131268188625296 km2

v²tachyon dt`² > c² dt²

- v²tachyon dt`² < - c² dt²

ds`² < ds²

ds² - ds`² = 731.6891772252625296 km

( ds² - ds`² ) 1/2 = 27.049753736869075784610032341786 km .

The path of the neutrino is shorter . Our Universe has a complex space
dimension .

Drumul parcurs de neutrino , care este un tahion , este mai scurt .
Universul nostru are o dimensiune spatiala complexa .

Analizind ecuatia ( ds² - ds`² ) 1/2 = 27.049753736869075784610032341786 km .

observam ca diferenta de 20 de metri care este calculata intre sosirea neutrino
si a fotonului din experimentul OPERA nu corespunde cu valoarea
27.049753736869075784610032341786 km .

Diferenta este data de termenul - i²du² ( - i²du² > 0 )

din ecuatia :

ds`² = dx² + dy² + dz² - i²du² - v²tachyon dt`²

t` = the time of the travel of the neutrino , which is a tachyon
t = the time of the travel of the photon
vneutrino = 300006 kilometers/ second

Dupa cum am aratat drumul parcurs de neutrino este
mai scurt .
Exista un argument foarte puternic pentru faptul ca neutrinii din experiment au
masa de repaus imaginara .
Orice particula, cu masa de repaus reala , oricit de mica , in momentul in
care atinge viteza luminii , conform Teoriei Relativitatii Generale , are o masa
de miscare infinita . Daca neutrinii ar fi avut masa de repaus reala si
ar fi fost accelerati spre viteza de 300006 km/s , acesti neutrini ar fi devenit
gauri negre masive in momentul cind atingeau viteza luminii .
Acest lucru nu s-a intimplat . Concluzia : Neutrinii au parcurs un drum mai
scurt si sunt tahioni .

Ipoteze :
1 . Exista doua viteze limita in Univers , una pentru fotoni si una pentru neutrino .
Ipoteza formulate de un fizician Indian pe - o sa-l citez . Postulatul lui Albert
Einstein depre viteza limita in Univers nu mai este valabil . Nici Teoria Relativitatii
Generale nu mai este valabila in acest caz .

2 . Neutrinii sunt tahioni si se deplaseaza cu viteza de 300006 km/s . Universul are o dimensiune spatiala complexa . Ipoteza noastra sustine acesta varianta . The neutrino has imaginary mass . We shall quote one researcher , Jose N. Pecina-Cruz : “
“ The Imaginary Mass of the Neutrino
Jose N. Pecina-Cruz
(Submitted on 3 Apr 2006 (v1), last revised 11 Apr 2006 (this version, v2))
It has been reported by different groups of experimentalists that the mass square of the
neutrino is negative [1]
Therefore, the mass would be an
imaginary number.

The mass of the
neutrino is imaginary without any physical meaning, but its square. The neutrino is in
fact a tachyon “

Aceasta este ipoteza noastra .
3 . Teoria Relativitatii Generalizate nu este valabila . Textul nostrum THE
METHAMATEMATICS sustine ca mereu va exista o teorie fizica mai complexa care va
include teoria precedenta ca fiind un caz particular al noii teorii .

Particula neutrino parcurge acest ds` care este mai mic decit parcursul ds al
fotonului .

Diferenta intre ds` si ds este de 20 de metri pentru cei 730 de kilometri dintre cele
doua puncte de plecare si sosire ale experimentului OPERA .

Read also : Why We Can Not Observe the Tachions in Our Universe .

The great genius Albert Einstein

Work in progress .