joi, 23 decembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
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vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
Views: 1
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marți, 7 decembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
Views: 1
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marți, 30 noiembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
Views: 1
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sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
Views: 1
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joi, 25 noiembrie 2010

Myebook - Short Stories by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Myebook - Short Stories by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Short Stories by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Short stories . Facts of life . The joy of life . Beautiful life . La vie en rose .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 31 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 36
Views: 0
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Tags: stories; short story ; facts of life ; life

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sâmbătă, 6 noiembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
Views: 1
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miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Myebook - Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole

Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole
" Journey Back in Time Near a Black Hole . Journey in an Complex Time Near a Black Hole " is a text about the possibility of time travel and the nature of time in the closest neighborhoods of a black hole . The text is the original work of Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 29 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 16
Views: 1
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joi, 28 octombrie 2010

Myebook - The nature of the time at the surface of a black hole . Amazing! It`s an imaginary time !

Myebook - The nature of the time at the surface of a black hole . Amazing! It`s an imaginary time !

The nature of the time at the surface of a black hole . Amazing! It`s an imaginary time !
" The nature of the time at the surface of a black hole . Amazing! It`s an imaginary time ! " talks about the nature of time near a black hole . The " surface " is a virtual surface at a distance r from the singularity . The time of an astronaut which is closer to a black hole , beyond this " surface " appears to those that are far away from the black hole to be an imaginary time . I shall welcome any comments about this ebook at .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 28 Oct, 2010
Last updated: 28 Oct, 2010
Category: Science and Industry
No. of pages: 12
Views: 0
No. of ratings: 1
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Tags: black hole ; time ; distortion ; warp ; the general theory of relativity ;flow ; flow of time ;complex time ; real time ; imaginary time ; story ; journey; stars ; massive stars ; space ship ; space ; milky way ; astronaut;

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luni, 20 septembrie 2010

Apel preluat de Spanu Dumitru Viorel ,


Urmeaza pasii marunti ai Germaniei+Ungaria pe de-o parte si Israelului pe alta parte,care si-a indeplinit misiunea: ne-au cumparat deja. Prim-ministrul Israelului a raportat in kneset ca misiunea de a cumpara Romania a fost indeplinita.

Subject: Reactie la Rosia Montana - trimiteti mai departe

Pentru ca urmasii nostri sa mai afle vreodata cine au fost stramosii al caror sange le curge in vene , Trimiteti mai departe !


Mai jos este un material care TREBUIE SA CIRCULE. E singura forma de protest deocamdata. Sunt informatii despre Rosia Montana si despre valoarea ei fizica, despre valoarea spirituala a zonei si mai ales despre valoarea romanului si a Romaniei, aici si in lume. Am decis sa anexez citeva fotografii facute de subsemnatul in zona acum circa 3 ani. AM VAZUT GALERIILE DACO-ROMANE DE PESTE 2000 DE ANI! EXISTA! NU SUNT O MINCIUNA!
Acolo se ascunde un tezaur urias ce nu va putea fi masurat nicicind in bani! Am gasit ghidul local recomandat (clandestin, in soapta, la ureche! - dureros!) care stie foarte multe (nu din presa!) si care ne-a dus in adincurile pamintului. Si mai ales ale istoriei. Si cind am iesit la suprafata ne-am dat seama in ce hau fara fund de fapt suntem pe cale sa fim aruncati.
Cezar Aanicai
Iasi , mai 2010
" ...Rosia Montana este cea mai veche localitate din Romania , atestata de la anul 131 dupa Hristos.
..De-a lungul istoriei, ispita aurului a atras aici toate neamurile Europei, facand din Rosia un orasel cosmopolit.
..Din Rosia s-au ridicat, de-a lungul timpului, multi luptatori ardeleni, cum au fost Simion Balint, George Gritta, luptator in revolutia de la 1848, alaturi de Avram Iancu..
..In Rosia, stradutele inguste si pietruite, casele de patrimoniu, construite in stil baroc de arhitecti italieni (Strada siciliana), in urma cu aproape doua sute de ani, te transporta in alt timp..
...Ultimele 330 de tone de aur si 1680 de argint vor sa fie exploatate, pana la ultima roca de minereu, de compania Gold Corporation, careia i-a fost concesionata exploatarea.

..Doar douazeci de mii de dolari pe an plateste statului roman compania Gold Corporation, chiria pentru concesiunea a 520 de kilometri patrati, inima de aur a Apusenilor.
Concesiunea s-a facut pe 20 de ani, din 1997, deci ar mai fi inca sapte ani de-acum incolo.
..Vedem zilnic cum angajatii companiei intra in galerii, sub pretextul ca iau probe si fac masuratori, pana ce vor incepe oficial exploatarea, dar nimeni nu-i controleaza daca iau sau nu iau aur de-acolo...
..Uraniul ni l-au exploatat rusii in totalitate, iar acum vom ramane si fara aur, daca romanii nu se trezesc la timp.

De la Bucuresti sau din alta parte a lumii nu-si dau seama dedimensiunile reale ale tragediei de la Rosia Montana , iar cand vin aici si afla adevarul, sunt izbiti de anormalitatea acestei situatii, de lipsa de reactie a Guvernului si a administratiei locale, fata de aceasta stare de lucruri.
Toti scriu acolo ca nu-si pot inchipui ca vestigiile istorice, galeriile romane, bisericile si cimitirele istorice, bucati intregi de munte s-ar narui intr-un iaz de cianura.

Toti ne incurajeaza sa rezistam! Toti vor sa fie de folos cu ceva, un lucru cat de marunt. Solidaritatea aceasta de la om la om face mai mult decat orice gest politic din departare, si acesta indelung asteptat.

"Rezistati! Rezistati!" ne indeamna toata lumea, dar nu e usor, sa stiti, sa-ti traiesti viata ca in vitrina, observat, filmat sifotografiat tot timpul, pandit din fata casei, spionatobstructionat in orice faci sau ai intentia sa incepi. E o tensiune continua care slabeste numai de vineri dupa amiaza pana luni dimineata, atunci cand "observatorii" Gold-ului se aduna de pe ulite, unde se plimba in costumele lor spilcuite si cu ochelari negri la ochi,
plini de emfaza (vezi Doamne, au cumparat aproape tot si ei sunt stapanii Rosiei), si pleaca cu masinile lor scumpe in week-end. Abia atunci, noi putem sa lasam garda jos si sa traim, sa ne strigam bucuriile sau sa ne plangem necazurile, pe un ton de normalitate.

Si cum sa nu ravneasca la aurul Apusenilor, cand in el sunt, inprocente mai mari decat oriunde in lume, si metalele rare atat de cautate de industria constructoare de nave spatiale: titan, vanadiu, wolfram, molibden.

Daca macar un singur om va ramane aici si nu-si va vinde proprietatea, compania nu va putea sa treaca peste el. Cred cu tarie ca nu ne luptam cu morile de vant si ca lupta noastra nu e in zadar.Nu se poate sa scoti o localitate in afara existentei, pentru ca vrea o companie straina sa le ia acest drept in numele lacomiei. Daca litigiul cu Gold ar mai tine o suta de ani,rezistenta Rosiei s-ar stinge, treptat. Probabil, asta urmareste compania. Poate daca romanii si-ar lua un petic de pamant pe dealurile acestea si nu l-ar ceda in ruptul capului, atunci ei nu vor avea sorti de izbanda, in vecii vecilor. Iata, membri ai organizatiei mondiale "Green Peace" si-au cumparat loturi fie si de cativa metri patrati in Rosia Montana, pe care nu le vor vinde companiei cu nici un pret, ba chiar au confectionat tablite pe care scrie: "Aceasta proprietate nu este de vanzare", pe care le-au impartit rosienilor, ca sa descurajeze orice tentativa a companiei de a-i ispiti sa ii vanda casele. Acum, Gold Corporation (Gabriel Resources si alte companii subsidiare dupa care se ascunde) si-a angajat cea mai mare companie de publicitate din Bucuresti, a regizorului Bogdan Naumovici, ca sa le faca propaganda proiectului minier de la Rosia Montana. Chiar daca mult prea tarziu, reclama a fost oprita,
in cele din urma, pentru minciunile continute in ea. O lovitura dura pentru companie.

Avem nevoie de exprimarea solidaritatii cu lupta noastra. Sa vina aici cei care cunosc drama noastra, sa ne sprijine moral, sa aratam Gold-ului ca nu suntem asa putini, ca avem si pe altii de partea noastra. Sa facem si noi actiuni de intimidare, asa cum fac ei, nu doar sa tacem si sa inghitim. Noi suntem vreo 20 de familii, ultimii luptatori impotriva Gold-ului, care nu vom pleca nici in ruptul capului. Oricati bani ne-ar da, cu orice ne-ar tenta, noi nu plecam. Mie sa-mi dea America toata sa fie a mea, si eu nu plec din Rosia Montana ."
Eugen Cornea, capetenia rezistentei antigoldiste de la Rosia Montana

am fost astazi la o intalnire cu profesori universitari si alti oameni pregatiti in diferite domenii care-si bat capul cum sa salveze muntii Apuseni de explatare si de distrugere totata. Sincer, nu pot sa stau nepasatoare la ce se intampla si simt ca daca eu nu ma ridic,tu nu te ridici, ala nu se ridica, nu ne ridicam cu totii, tragedia se va intampla si nepasarea de acum ne va costa enorm. Oamenii sunt constienti de amploarea situatiei de faptul ca astia care ne conduc stau sluj in fata banilor,ca au vandut tara pe nimic

in principiu, s-a recunonsut ca sunt multi Romani care vor bine, dar care nu il pot realiza, pentru ca, urmare a manipularii, au reusit astia sa ne demoralizeze si sa ne dezbine
fiecare invitat, specialist pe felia lui a vorbit despre efectele, numai negative , ale explaotarii miniere pe care vor sa o inceapa la Rosia Montana
prof. univ. dr. Ion Brad - membru al Academiei Oamenilor de Stiinta, biochimist a explicat clar care sunt efectele cianurilor rezultate din exploatare asupra organismelor vii: moarte sigurapentru mediu plante, animale si oameni pe o raza de sute de km (inclusiv in tarile vecine)
din cauza vaporilor de cianura care se ridica in aer

prof. dr. Vasile Boroneant, istoric, a povestit despre valoareasiturilor dacice, a galeriilor romane vechi de peste 2000 de ani si despre pierderea identitatii Poporului Roman si a intregului sau certificat de nastere Dacic

s-a vorbit despre faptul cgea asta este rezarva strategica de aur a Romaniei, de care se stie de mii de ani, pe care dacii au exploatat-o cu masura
si pe care au lasat-o mostenire urmasilor pt gestionatereaindependenta a Poporului Roman si despre faptul ca in Muntii Apuseni pe langa cea mai mare rezerva de aur si argint din europa, aur de o calitate ridicata, mult superioara, ar fi si o rezerva uriasa de wolfram metal mai scump decat aurul si mult mai pretios, greu de gasit, foarte necesar, in industria militara si spatiala si in economie in general

sunt multe care se invart in jurul regiunii Apuseni pe care vor sa ii distruga e plin de zacaminte, si pe toate vor sa le exploateze, statul roman primeste nimic, adica 1 miliard de dolari in 20 de ani de exploatare, adica 15 % iar explatatorii iau restul de 85 %, si lasa in urma distrugeri istorice, ecologice, umane,NATIONALE , economice inestimabile

pentru pamantul asta au murit Dacii, au murit marii Domnitori Romani, milioane de Romani de-a lungul secolelor ca sa il apere de asupritori
si ca sa il dam noi degeaba astazi.

pasivitatea o sa ne coste scump

eu cred ca nu putem sta indiferenti fata de mostenirea pe care o avem, care e a noastra.,nu a canadienilor sau a altora. E ca si cum vine unu sa iti ia casa cu tot ce ti-au lasat parintii, pamantul, hainele, amintirile, si tu te uiti la el cum o face si il lasi in pace.

ce e de facut ? cum putem incepe sa ajutam ?

cred ca trebuie, in primul rand, ca toata lumea sa afle despre asta sa afle adevarul. oamenii nu stiu ce se intampla. apoiimpreuna oamenii trebuie sa spuna NU !!

pentru asta rebuie sa ne gandim repede, pentru ca nu e timp, la ce anume putem sa facem, cum putem sa contibuim cu resursele pe care le avem,
si aici ma gandesc sa punem in aplicare totul pentru scopul asta care ne priveste direct. sa punem in miscare pe toata lumea
pe care o cunoastem, care, la randul ei va angrena mai departe alte roti.

Orice fiinta umana are dreptul fundamental de a trai cu demnitate . Saracia ne ia posibilitatea de a trai decent .
Saracia care afecteaza oamenii , genereaza umilinta .
In acest mod ea afecteaza demnitatea fiintei umane !

Doamne ajuta!

vineri, 10 septembrie 2010

Author : Spanu Dumitru Viorel ,

Proposal for “ The UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights “

Propunere pentru acordarea post – mortem al titlului de luptator pentru drepturile omului , generalului Alexandru Nikolski , secretar general al Ministerului Afacerilor Interne ( 1953 – 1961 )

Motivare : Domnul Alexandru Nikolski a fost unul dintre cei mai inversunati luptatori pentru drepturile omului din Romania .

Intre meritele lui deosebite se numara grija parinteasca pe care a avut-o fata de detinutii politici inchisi la Pitesti , care au participat benevol la minunatul Experiment Pitesti .

Dinsul se ducea cu pachete cu alimente , haine si medicamente la detinutii politici ai inchisorii din Pitesti , avea o grija parinteasca fata de acestia , a protestat prin nenumarate memorii adresate conducatorilor Romaniei , Crucii Rosii Internationale si Comitetului ONU , impotriva detinerii ilegale a acestor oameni in acea inchisoare din Pitesti .

Prin toata activitatea sa desfasurata intre 1945 si 1961 a militat neobosit , ca Inspector general si , ulterior , Secretar General al Ministerului Afacerilor Interne , pentru respectarea drepturilor omului in Romania , luind intotdeauna pozitie chiar si impotriva celei mai mici incalcari a demnitatii si libertatilor oamenilor in tara noastra .

De aceea propun nominalizarea post – mortem la acordarea “ Premiului UNESCO / Bilbao Pentru Promovarea Culturii Drepturilor Omului 2010 “ a distinsului domn Alexandru Nikolski .

Cei care vor sa sustin candidatura lui Alexandru Nikolski la acordarea
“ The UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights “ ,

pot sa trimita mesaje pe adresa de email

iar aceste mesaje vor fi trecute la sustinerea motivarii propunerii ca distinsul domn Alexandru Nikolski sa obtina acest premiu .

Acest text nu este un pamflet ! Teribilele si groaznicele torturi la care au fost supusi detinutii politici din Romania nu-mi dau voie sa zimbesc nici macar in gind !

luni, 6 septembrie 2010

Myebook - An Arch Over Time . The Pithagora Theorem .Two New Conjectures-This Article is Precise . New Rem

Myebook - An Arch Over Time . The Pithagora Theorem .Two New Conjectures-This Article is Precise . New Rem

An Arch Over Time . The Pithagora Theorem .Two New Conjectures-This Article is Precise . New Rem
An Arch Over Time . The Pithagora Theorem was discovered about 3800 years ago . It was written on a tablet from Sumer . After so many years , this theorem reveals a new property of its own . Two conjectures written just to show its so well kept hidden property .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 25 Aug, 2010
Last updated: 25 Aug, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 18
Views: 0
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: the pithagora theorem;pithagorean theorem;conjectures;story;mathematics;history;ancient times;tablet ;proprty;prime numbers;primes;numbers

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sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2010



THE METHAMATEMATICS is a research that shows the relation between mathematics and physics
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 18 Jul, 2010
Last updated: 18 Jul, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 14
Views: 142
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: mathematics, physics, universe, relation, methamatematics, equations, equations with both solutions with physical significance, mathematical equations, the mathematics reality

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miercuri, 4 august 2010

Myebook - Poems about Time and Love and Life

Myebook - Poems about Time and Love and Life

Poems about Time and Love and Life
Poems about time and love . The mistery of time travel through a 3-dimensional time of a variety of spacetime and time dilatation . What about some journeys through some varieties of spacetime with a n-dimensional time component ?
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 12 Jul, 2010
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 38
Views: 0
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: : poems; love ; time ; time travel ; journey ; journey through time ; spacetime ; vectorial spaces ; some kind of vectorial spaces ; variety of spacetime ; variety of vectorial spaces ; simultaneously

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marți, 3 august 2010

Myebook - My first conjecture

Myebook - My first conjecture
My first conjecture
My first conjecture , published on 24 July 2008 is still unproven . I kindly invite the very great mathematicians Gerd Faltings , Grigori Perelman , Terence Tao , Alain Connes , Alan Baker, Andrew Wiles and others great mathematicians ( I am apologizing not to mention all of them ) to try to prove this conjecture . Published by Spanu Dumitru Viorel at 2008, Iuly 24 .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 12 Jul, 2010
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 8
Views: 140
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: conjecture;numbers;primes;prime numbers;hypervolume;hypercube;mathematicians;unsolved problems;the hypervolume of the simmetric bodies from highly dimensional euclidian spaces

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miercuri, 21 iulie 2010

Myebook - My first conjecture

Myebook - My first conjecture
My first conjecture
My first conjecture , published on 24 July 2008 is still unproven . I kindly invite the very great mathematicians Gerd Faltings , Grigori Perelman , Terence Tao , Alain Connes , Alan Baker, Andrew Wiles and others great mathematicians ( I am apologizing not to mention all of them ) to try to prove this conjecture . Published by Spanu Dumitru Viorel at 2008, Iuly 24 .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 12 Jul, 2010
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 8
Views: 0
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: conjecture;numbers;primes;prime numbers;hypervolume;hypercube;mathematicians;unsolved problems;the hypervolume of the simmetric bodies from highly dimensional euclidian spaces

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joi, 15 iulie 2010

O Remambrance

O Remambrance

Do dia as rupturas da luz completamente.
Das noites os sonhos vêm.
A grama cresce e há uns sussurros.
Há nuvens fainty.
Se os outro don a confiança do `t você - Há povos.
Ele `s melhor para deixar as feridas não curado
De encontro a algum senso comum. Há as portas que ninguém é alto os fechar
. Ninguém tem que deixá-los selou.
Lá, onde tudo é impossível
O remambrance transforma-se necessidade.
O deus abençoa-o, onde nunca você está.
Meu email é:

luni, 12 iulie 2010

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Revision SpaceTime Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Revision SpaceTime Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay
Spanu Dumitru Viorel Revision SpaceTime Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay
This ebook “Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Dissertation Correction . New Argument “ is an ebook about the discontinuities of any kind that appears in THE GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY . The spacetime continuum of The theory of special relativity is not a spacetime continuum . My First Conjecture in its geometrical formulation shows that in the Theory of General Relativity of the great genius Albert Einstein , the “ circles “ from the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . The quadridimensional spacetime entity of the great genius Albert Einstein is not a continuum of any kind . I am sure that if computers would had existed in his time , the genius Albert Einstein would had discovered himself that the “ circles “ on the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . This ebook was written by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 12 Jul, 2010
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 34
Views: 0
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: space;time ; spacetime ; continuum ; discontinuum ; the theory of special relativity ; the theory of general relativity ;

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marți, 6 iulie 2010

Myebook - The first conjecture

Myebook - The first conjecture

The first conjecture
My first conjecture , published on 24 July 2008 is still unproven . I kindly invite the very great mathematicians Gerd Faltings , Grigori Perelman , Terence Tao , Alain Connes , Alan Baker, Andrew Wiles and others great mathematicians . ( I am apologizing not to mention all of them ) to try to prove this conjecture . Publicat de Spanu la 2008, Iulie 24
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 27 Apr, 2010
Last updated: 27 Apr, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 8
Views: 827
No. of ratings: 1
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Tags: conjecture;numbers;primes;prime numbers;hypervolume;hypercube;mathematicians;unsolved problems;the hypervolume of the simmetric bodies from highly dimensional euclidian spaces

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luni, 28 iunie 2010

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser
Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser
This ebook “Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Dissertation Correction . New Argument “ is an ebook about the discontinuities of any kind that appears in THE GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY . The spacetime continuum of The theory of special relativity is not a spacetime continuum . My First Conjecture in its geometrical formulation shows that in the Theory of General Relativity of the great genius Albert Einstein , the “ circles “ from the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . The quadridimensional spacetime entity of the great genius Albert Einstein is not a continuum of any kind . I am sure that if computers would had existed in his time , the genius Albert Einstein would had discovered himself that the “ circles “ on the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . This ebook was written by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 18 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 18 Jun, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 28
Views: 4
No. of ratings: 0
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Tags: space;time ; spacetime ; continuum ; discontinuum ; the theory of special relativity ; the theory of general relativity ;

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luni, 21 iunie 2010

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser

Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser
This ebook “Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Dissertation Correction . New Argument “ is an ebook about the discontinuities of any kind that appears in THE GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY . The spacetime continuum of The theory of special relativity is not a spacetime continuum . My First Conjecture in its geometrical formulation shows that in the Theory of General Relativity of the great genius Albert Einstein , the “ circles “ from the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . The quadridimensional spacetime entity of the great genius Albert Einstein is not a continuum of any kind . I am sure that if computers would had existed in his time , the genius Albert Einstein would had discovered himself that the “ circles “ on the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . This ebook was written by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 18 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 18 Jun, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 28
Views: 3
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: space;time ; spacetime ; continuum ; discontinuum ; the theory of special relativity ; the theory of general relativity ;

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duminică, 20 iunie 2010

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time DiscoSpanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser
This ebook “Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Dissertation Correction . New Argument “ is an ebook about the discontinuities of any kind that appears in THE GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY . The spacetime continuum of The theory of special relativity is not a spacetime continuum . My First Conjecture in its geometrical formulation shows that in the Theory of General Relativity of the great genius Albert Einstein , the “ circles “ from the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . The quadridimensional spacetime entity of the great genius Albert Einstein is not a continuum of any kind . I am sure that if computers would had existed in his time , the genius Albert Einstein would had discovered himself that the “ circles “ on the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . This ebook was written by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 18 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 18 Jun, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 28
Views: 3
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: space;time ; spacetime ; continuum ; discontinuum ; the theory of special relativity ; the theory of general relativity ;

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ntinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser

vineri, 18 iunie 2010

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser

Myebook - Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser
Spanu Dumitru Viorel Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Disser
This ebook “Space Time Discontinued Postulates and a Proposition a Physics Essay Dissertation Correction . New Argument “ is an ebook about the discontinuities of any kind that appears in THE GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY . The spacetime continuum of The theory of special relativity is not a spacetime continuum . My First Conjecture in its geometrical formulation shows that in the Theory of General Relativity of the great genius Albert Einstein , the “ circles “ from the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . The quadridimensional spacetime entity of the great genius Albert Einstein is not a continuum of any kind . I am sure that if computers would had existed in his time , the genius Albert Einstein would had discovered himself that the “ circles “ on the surface of any n dimensional hypersphere are interrupted . This ebook was written by Spanu Dumitru Viorel .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 18 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 18 Jun, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 28
Views: 2
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: space;time ; spacetime ; continuum ; discontinuum ; the theory of special relativity ; the theory of general relativity ;

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joi, 10 iunie 2010

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction

The book is about the spacetime . The greatest genius Albert Einstein had postulated that the spacetime is a continuum . In this ebook I studied his equations and I found that one of his equation has no solutions in prime numbers . In the other equation of the genius Albert Einstein , making the natural hypothesis , I found that this equation has no solutions in odd natural numbers . These facts shows that the spacetime continuum is not a spacetime continuum .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 05 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 05 Jun, 2010
Category: Science and Industry
No. of pages: 26
Views: 183
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: No tags defined.

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miercuri, 9 iunie 2010

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction
The book is about the spacetime . The greatest genius Albert Einstein had postulated that the spacetime is a continuum . In this ebook I studied his equations and I found that one of his equation has no solutions in prime numbers . In the other equation of the genius Albert Einstein , making the natural hypothesis , I found that this equation has no solutions in odd natural numbers . These facts shows that the spacetime continuum is not a spacetime continuum .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 05 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 05 Jun, 2010
Category: Science and Industry
No. of pages: 26
Views: 174
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: No tags defined.

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Myebook - The first conjecture

Myebook - The first conjecture
The first conjecture
My first conjecture , published on 24 July 2008 is still unproven . I kindly invite the very great mathematicians Gerd Faltings , Grigori Perelman , Terence Tao , Alain Connes , Alan Baker, Andrew Wiles and others great mathematicians . ( I am apologizing not to mention all of them ) to try to prove this conjecture . Publicat de Spanu la 2008, Iulie 24
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 27 Apr, 2010
Last updated: 27 Apr, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 8
Views: 825
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: conjecture;numbers;primes;prime numbers;hypervolume;hypercube;mathematicians;unsolved problems;the hypervolume of the simmetric bodies from highly dimensional euclidian spaces

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duminică, 6 iunie 2010

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction
The book is about the spacetime . The greatest genius Albert Einstein had postulated that the spacetime is a continuum . In this ebook I studied his equations and I found that one of his equation has no solutions in prime numbers . In the other equation of the genius Albert Einstein , making the natural hypothesis , I found that this equation has no solutions in odd natural numbers . These facts shows that the spacetime continuum is not a spacetime continuum .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 05 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 05 Jun, 2010
Category: Science and Industry
No. of pages: 26
Views: 150
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: No tags defined.

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sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction

Myebook - 19790777-SpaceTime-Discontinued-Postulates-and-aProposition-a-Physics-Essay-Dissertation-Correction
The book is about the spacetime . The greatest genius Albert Einstein had postulated that the spacetime is a continuum . In this ebook I studied his equations and I found that one of his equation has no solutions in prime numbers . In the other equation of the genius Albert Einstein , making the natural hypothesis , I found that this equation has no solutions in odd natural numbers . These facts shows that the spacetime continuum is not a spacetime continuum .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 05 Jun, 2010
Last updated: 05 Jun, 2010
Category: Science and Industry
No. of pages: 26
Views: 143
No. of ratings: 0
Favourited: 0
Tags: No tags defined.

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vineri, 30 aprilie 2010

Myebook - The first conjecture

Myebook - The first conjecture
The first conjecture
My first conjecture , published on 24 July 2008 is still unproven . I kindly invite the very great mathematicians Gerd Faltings , Grigori Perelman , Terence Tao , Alain Connes , Alan Baker, Andrew Wiles and others great mathematicians . ( I am apologizing not to mention all of them ) to try to prove this conjecture . Publicat de Spanu la 2008, Iulie 24
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 27 Apr, 2010
Last updated: 27 Apr, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 8
Views: 158
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: conjecture;numbers;primes;prime numbers;hypervolume;hypercube;mathematicians;unsolved problems;the hypervolume of the simmetric bodies from highly dimensional euclidian spaces

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miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010

Myebook - The first conjecture

Myebook - The first conjecture

The first conjecture
My first conjecture , published on 24 July 2008 is still unproven . I kindly invite the very great mathematicians Gerd Faltings , Grigori Perelman , Terence Tao , Alain Connes , Alan Baker, Andrew Wiles and others great mathematicians . ( I am apologizing not to mention all of them ) to try to prove this conjecture . Publicat de Spanu la 2008, Iulie 24
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 27 Apr, 2010
Last updated: 27 Apr, 2010
Category: Education
No. of pages: 8
Views: 12
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: conjecture;numbers;primes;prime numbers;hypervolume;hypercube;mathematicians;unsolved problems;the hypervolume of the simmetric bodies from highly dimensional euclidian spaces

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sâmbătă, 24 aprilie 2010

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
The Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel . A series which is convergent . Study made with the help of the computer .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 10 Mar, 2010
Last updated: 10 Mar, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 28
Views: 822
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: gottfried leibniz; leibniz criterion; alternate series ; convergence ; study over a series ; mathematics; computers ;spanu dumitru viorel; formula ;

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miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
The Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel . A series which is convergent . Study made with the help of the computer .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 10 Mar, 2010
Last updated: 10 Mar, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 28
Views: 696
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: gottfried leibniz; leibniz criterion; alternate series ; convergence ; study over a series ; mathematics; computers ;spanu dumitru viorel; formula ;

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You can read an amazing study about animals , written with delicacy and passion for ours beloved pets .
. You can learn also some amazing facts about biology by reading “ Life and Colours “ by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
( URL : )

Another interesting book is
Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

It`s about The Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel . A series which is convergent . Study made with the help of the computer .


Tags: gottfried leibniz; leibniz criterion; alternate series ; convergence ; study over a series ; mathematics; computers ;spanu dumitru viorel; formula ;

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
The Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel . A series which is convergent . Study made with the help of the computer .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 10 Mar, 2010
Last updated: 10 Mar, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 28
Views: 651
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: gottfried leibniz; leibniz criterion; alternate series ; convergence ; study over a series ; mathematics; computers ;spanu dumitru viorel; formula ;

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duminică, 28 martie 2010

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Myebook - Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel
The Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel . A series which is convergent . Study made with the help of the computer .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 10 Mar, 2010
Last updated: 10 Mar, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 28
Views: 340
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: gottfried leibniz; leibniz criterion; alternate series ; convergence ; study over a series ; mathematics; computers ;spanu dumitru viorel; formula ;

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miercuri, 24 martie 2010

Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel

The Leibniz Criterion modified by Spanu Dumitru Viorel . A series which is convergent . Study made with the help of the computer .
Author: VioDumitruSpanu
Added: 10 Mar, 2010
Last updated: 10 Mar, 2010
Category: Arts and Literature
No. of pages: 28
Views: 275
No. of ratings: 1
Favourited: 0
Tags: gottfried leibniz; leibniz criterion; alternate series ; convergence ; study over a series ; mathematics; computers ;spanu dumitru viorel; formula ;

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