miercuri, 16 martie 2016

The Planck konstant . Physics

Un comentariu:

  1. Talking about the Planck constant h , it must be said that nobody in the world knows the nature of this number : is it h - the Planck constant a rational , irrational or a transcedental number ? Why is this important ? A little example : the energy of a photon is E = hν . So , the energy is a transcedental number , an irrational number or a rational number . And so , we can`t measure absolutely precise the energy of a photon in the first and second case , and even in the third case there are situations when energy can`t be measured absolutely precisely . Let`s talk about these situations of the third case . when the Planck constant h is a periodic rational number . What is the maximum lenght of the period ?

    Let`s look at one case , as an example .The period of c/k, for c coprime to k, equals the period of 1/k. The problem is that that the period coud be infinitely long . The period of 1/k is less or equals to 1-k , for any integer k .
